Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star and I, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother just arrived back from San Francisco. We were tired and hungry. I started to nimble on a cookie and milk. Told Holiness that I could make heat up some flat bread with cheese and avocado. He too was hungry and didn't want to wait. So we decided to have a salad later on to supplement our quick meal.
Well, while I was cutting away the cheese, he was sitting at the table. I asked him who he was. And why he wasn't waiting in line like the others. And then I said, Maybe you don't need to ask. Then I first asked if it was Great Spirit Father, but didn't really feel like it. Then I realized it was the Crowned One of Heaven, Great Uncle, the one before the two.
He was greatly surprised that I recognized and communicated with him as well as all spirits who come into my space. There is communication through telepathy. I offered him some of what I made for him. He accepted and I served him bread, avocado and cheese. And then he requested something to drink. I said I have water, is this okay. Then blessed the water and gave it to him. He wanted to know if he could move into the living area where we were seated. And I set him a place.
At this point, Holiness David is aware of what I was saying, but not really feeling anything or seeing anything. And Great Uncle says, "He is interesting!" He doesn't really accept that I am here. I then told Holiness David. Then I continued to tell each of them to speak to one another. They tried. Great Uncle was saying, after we had gathered together around a small table, that he was able to have anything he wanted to eat, where great feasts would lie before him. By the way, earlier while I was cooking there was a fire in the flames of a gas stove. He had asked me to light a fire for him. I lit a candle for him and moved this with his food and water to the table previously.
Now, then he spoke of how I needed to clean my space up. We three crowned ones at the same table, Great Uncle of Heaven, Crystal of Heaven, Lavender of Earth and the missing Crown is the Red Earth. Great Uncle Willitcha viewed the food as alright. And he was not pleased that I used animal, later I found out. I had used chicken (represents the four directions, which is the perfect garden, for Great Uncle creates this perfection, note below), finishing left overs of chicken, avocado and cheese, as I said earlier, we were tired and needed to eat and rest. You see from Great Uncle's point of view, he was really amazed at how the beings of Earth did not take care of us. He in Heaven has all he needs and if they, of heaven, didn't take care of her, then all would not be a perfect arranged paradise, the hoops of gardens, the garment of rolling hills. And this just doesn't happen. He was having difficulty understanding the children. He neither was happy or sad about this issue, more like perplexed or confused, but only lightly as a feather.
We have but one heart and mission to be a part of thee, the same thee of Oneness. Here we are all devoted to the general needs of the Oneness. All the sums of the parts makes unity and integration.
The Song of the Heart for Great Uncle WillitCha our Great Great Spirit Mother, the one before the two.

It aches me to see the revelation that you put upon me. I can be the suffering of all man wants me to be, but do I have to find the shame, when you look inside of thee. The longing of the Sun shall bring the Rain again. The waters that run clear again, the place of all divinity. I know that love must and has to grow to find the doom of flight (learning to place the feet on the ground to evolve), but I can be the sea of breezes that carry you in the night. There will be a shadow clear that knows you looked behind and I will stand upon the shelf to protect you all through the night.
My darling, I love you, throughout that pure and midnight. Heaven will open my door again to find the store of delight. The place of warm and all delight to find the warmth of the night. But if we are to get together again, then we will have to come throughout the night. It pleases me to see you there following the dream that you believe, a star a light a magistrate that gifts that all is true. Take your heart and know what stands for truth is all you do for me. A neighbor tells me to stop and I continue on, what good am I, if I don't defend my brother throughout time. We need understand the heart on the mend, the one who needs the love of your heart. Gift the knowing and the mercy of love that is pure and you will find that all is divine. My world is under and below at all times and I often do not know where i am at But I do know that love travels whereever I go, for gardens are always left behind. I ask you to arrange the room the way that makes you feel good and you will find the traffic of the trails to all the nights. The stars in the heavens will show us the way, if only I could interpret them, then I would know my way. It's the light that shines within, a rising sun that lights the way of hope and it demands the true and sacred way. Here the hope of relatives be true and know we must start to climb the hoops that continue throughout the time.
My heart is knowing the pure of you and sends me to the moon, the place I know the place of true, the place of glory be. It is the heart of the blue, the royal and dismayed. I will be the strength behind even when there light fades away. I will tend the misbehaved and tell them they are fine. A whelp of coughing and pipe of peace will send them home just in time. The well of snow that is longing for the shore that welcomes them home and I will be the fabulous grease that leads the motion of all that is thine.
We are the family that is longing to know the way of truth, but only when you take your life and divide it for all it's worth. Stop and look at me inside a cloth that covers you well and I will be the time of love and keep you protected in your climb. You know the place you reach for, the need that makes you sublime. Here I will find the mercy of the hoops. the place that makes you shine. I know you say, you dream of time when Birds will sing the song, but I know then is in the wind, and we are part of the ride. Can't we find the song that is true to find the needs of all that climb. We can be one heart that works for rest, the servant throughout all time. We the devoted and true of you are my prisoners of love each and every time, but I know that you will teach others to find the light that lives within.
Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Tuesday, June 15, 2009
Comment: Chicken is used on a Weather Vane. This symbology signifies the sacred four directions. Therefore, providing a meal with Chicken was not the most gratifying for our Crowned One from Heaven. In the future, I will be sure not to serve Great Uncle, or Great Great Grandmother, the One before the Two. Great Uncle provides us with gardens and seas, all in the right places. It is the spirit of a Great Great Grandmother Spirit who gifts birth to the all the gardens.
Whenever, we do not serve and take care of her nature upon the earth, she is very disappointed in her children, but understanding to the cycle of rebirth. They will be reborn she speaks to herself. And in the meantime, I must be the suffering of all my children, who are not taken care of or blessed.
We offer Blessings to Great Uncle Spirit, so he may continue on the mission as well as action of devotion is known. Here, the example of perfect union, is places within her heart. Her children that blossom and grow, she is delighted and devoted towards continue to offer blessings to the world around them, knowing the heart of the One before the Two is innocent as birth.
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